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#4 Solo Review: Harbor LGE



A time-boxed security review of the Harbor LGE protocol was done by Beirao, with a focus on the security aspects of the application's smart contracts implementation.


A smart contract security review can never verify the complete absence of vulnerabilities. This is a time, resource and expertise bound effort where I try to find as many vulnerabilities as possible. I can not guarantee 100% security after the review or even if the review will find any problems with your smart contracts. Subsequent security reviews, bug bounty programs and on-chain monitoring are strongly recommended.

About Beirao

I’m an independent smart contract security researcher. I extend my skills as a contractor specializing in EVM smart contracts security. If you're in need of robust code review, I'm here to help. We can get in touch via Twitter or Email.

About Harbor LGE

The goal of this small LGE system is to receive USDT in exchange for the HRB token.

The HarborLGE contract is planned to accept USDT or WBNB directly. The user will be able to use BNB directly with the independent Gateway contract that will convert native BNB to WBNB and supplies it to the HarborLGE contract.

Here are all the flows depending on the supplied token

Using USDT

  1. User approves HarborLGE to spend the necessary amount of USDT tokens
  2. When the LGE has begun, is active, and not full, the user calls buy() in HarborLGE with the following variables…
    1. token USDT address in this case
    2. amount amount of USDT to contribute to LGE
    3. minUsdtAmountOut minimum amount returned from swap, not needed for USDT (set to 0)
    4. onBehalfOf the user address contributing to the LGE
  3. The user may further participate in the LGE in a cumulative fashion by calling the buy() function
  4. After 14 days when the LGE has concluded, the 90 day grace period will begin. No more contributions can be made and Harbor tokens may not be claimed during this time.
  5. After the 90 day grace period has concluded, user’s will be able to begin claiming their vested Harbor tokens by calling the claim() function. Tokens will linearly vest continuously over the next 90 days.
  6. At the end of the 90 day vesting period, the user should have been able to claim the full amount of Harbor tokens owed to them

Using native BNB

  1. When the LGE has begun, is active, and not full, the user calls depositBNB() in Gateway with the following variables… (the Gateway contract will call buy() in the HarborLGE contract on behalf of the user)
    1. minUsdtAmountOut minimum amount returned from swap (slippage)
  2. The user may further participate in the LGE in a cumulative fashion by calling either the buy() or depositBNB() functions
  3. After 14 days when the LGE has concluded, the 90 day grace period will begin. No more contributions can be made and Harbor tokens may not be claimed during this time.
  4. After the 90 day grace period has concluded, user’s will be able to begin claiming their vested Harbor tokens by calling the claim() function. Tokens will linearly vest continuously over the next 90 days.
  5. At the end of the 90 day vesting period, the user should have been able to claim the full amount of Harbor tokens owed to them


The system lifetime has 4 phases:

LEG lifecycle
  • LGE Period: Users can participate in LGE
  • Grace period: just wait.
  • Vesting period: linear distribution of HRB. Users can claim a portion of the HRB due to them.
  • End period: 100% HRB can be claimed by the user.

The system looks safe by design:

  • by limiting concurrent possible interactions: there are only 2 possible external calls that can't be called within the same timestamp.
  • by not storing USDT: the USDT provided is sent to the treasury on each purchase. HarborLGE.sol#L107
  • and force feeding the system with tokens is not a threat.

There are 3 areas of concern:

  • The Uniswap integration.
  • The bridge between the Gateway and the HarborLGE contract.
  • Ensuring that users receive the correct amount of shares based on their contribution.

The manual review showed that these 3 areas were implemented correctly.

The system lacks test coverage. I recommend achieving 100% coverage before deployment.

Privileged Roles & Actors

Users: can buy() and then claim()

Owner (multisign): can finalizeLGE(), setPathToUsdt() and setNativeTokenGateway()

Severity classification

SeverityImpact: HighImpact: MediumImpact: Low
Likelihood: HighHighHighMedium
Likelihood: MediumHighMediumLow
Likelihood: LowMediumLowLow

Impact - the technical, economic and reputation damage of a successful attack

Likelihood - the chance that a particular vulnerability gets discovered and exploited

Severity - the overall criticality of the risk

Security Assessment Summary

review commit hash - 69799a8

fixes review commit hash - c4a442ea

Deployment chains

  • BSC


The following smart contracts were in scope of the audit: (total : 202 SLoC)

  • Gateway.sol
  • HarborLGE.sol

Findings Summary

Summary :

  • 1 Low
  • 7 Improvements
  • 5 Gas
[L-01]Swap support fee on transfer tokens but HarborLGE doesn’tFix


  • USDT sent should never cross USDT_RAISE_CAP
  • gracePeriodOver would not be over is it should not be
  • all deposit must be equal to totalRaisedUsdt
  • buy() and claim() must never be callable at the same timestamp
  • Once claim() is called once buy() can’t be called again

Detailed Findings

[L-01] Swap support fee on transfer tokens but HarborLGE doesn’t


You are using the fee-on-transfer compatible version of swapExactTokensForToken() (swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens()), but HarborLGE is not compatible with FoT tokens.

This is just an inconsistency since you only plan to use WBNB and USDT, which are not FoT.

[I-01] Constant variables

  • Define 2 weeks as LGE_PERIOD HarborLGE.sol#L61
  • Every GRACE_PERIOD in this block HarborLGE.sol#L130-L134 should be replaced by VESTING_PERIOD . For now, both periods are 90 days, but if you want to change one of these values in the future, this can be miss leading. Please double check that the suggested fix is correct.

[I-02] Lack of checks in constructors



You can verify that contracts are set up correctly by checking for address(0).


Check that lgeStart is greater than block.timestamp in the HarborLGE constructor

[I-03] Slippage protection overhead


Why not just use the Uniswap’s built in slippage protection mechanism?


function _swapTokenToUsdt(address token, uint256 amount, + uint minUsdtAmountOut) internal returns (uint256 usdtValue) {
    if (amount == 0) {
        return 0;

    uint256 usdtBalBefore = usdt.balanceOf(address(this));

    IERC20(token).safeIncreaseAllowance(unirouter, amount);
   +    minUsdtAmountOut,
    usdtValue = usdt.balanceOf(address(this)) - usdtBalBefore;

[I-04] Unused import


IERC721 is imported but never used.

[I-05] No events

There are no events in either contract. You may want to add events for at least and HarborLGE.claim().

[I-06] Only add the necessary amount of HBR

HarborLGE.sol#L186-L195 All tokens sent to HarborLGE beyond HBR_ALLOCATED will be lost. So we might want to send the correct amount in case someone has manually sent HBR.

function finalizeLGE() external onlyOwner {
    if (block.timestamp <= lgeEnd + GRACE_PERIOD) {
        revert LGE__GracePeriodNotComplete();

    /// Fetch the tokens to guarantee the amount received
		uint256 balanceHrb = hbr.balanceOf(address(this));
		if (HBR_ALLOCATED > balanceHrb)
		    hbr.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), HBR_ALLOCATED - balanceHrb);
		    hbr.safeTransfer(msg.sender, balanceHrb - HBR_ALLOCATED);

    gracePeriodOver = true;

[I-07] finalizeLGE() can be removed


Users will not be able to claim their token until the admin has called finalizeLGE(), but the vesting period will start anyway. This means that if the admin is not reactive enough, a part or all the vesting period may not be claimable.

This will depend on your needs, but you can remove finalizeLGE() by adding this line in the constructor: HarborLGE.sol#L192

and replacing this check HarborLGE.sol#L112-L114 with this one:

if (block.timestamp <= lgeEnd + GRACE_PERIOD) {
  revert LGE__GracePeriodNotComplete();

with this change, the vesting period can be claimed without any need for admin intervention.


[G-01] UserShare structure storage optimozation


struct UserShare {
    uint256 usdtValue;
    uint256 totalClaimed;

You can safely use uint128 to win 1 storage slot.

struct UserShare {
    uint128 usdtValue;
    uint128 totalClaimed;

You will need to do all the appropriate casting.

[G-02] State variables that are used multiple times in a function should be cached in stack variables

  • usdt variable in is used 3 times.
  • lgeEnd in HarborLGE.pending() is used 2 times.
  • _swapTokenToUsdt in Harbor._swapTokenToUsdt() is used 2 times.

[G-03] Operation order can be optimized in buy()




totalRaisedUsdt += usdtValue;

if (totalRaisedUsdt > USDT_RAISE_CAP) {
     revert LGE__ExceedsRaiseCap();

userShares[onBehalfOf].usdtValue += usdtValue;

[G-04] Send USDT to treasury only once

It's useless to send USDT to the treasury every time a user call buy(). You can remove this line: HarborLGE.sol#L107 and create this function:

function sendUsdtToTreasury() public {
	usdt.safeTransfer(treasury, usdt.balanceOf(address(this)));

[G-05] All lines can be unchecked

I don't see any under/overflow possibilities in this system. Each line can be unchecked.