Published onFebruary 3, 2024#8 Solo Review: Reaper Vault V2reportsReaper Vault V2 is similar to Yearn vaults. The goal is to generate yield through multiple strategies.
Published onJanuary 27, 2024#7 Solo Review + fuzzing: Reliquary Staking UpdatesreportsAn innovative incentive distribution system inspired by MasterChef. This update improves the rewarder support and auto stake deposited assets in a gauge.
Published onJanuary 20, 2024#6 Solo Review: Reaper Strategy - Options Token CompounderreportsThe OptionsCompounder helps to compound oTokens by exercising them at a discounted price and then exchanging the payment token for the vault asset.
Published onJanuary 13, 2024#5 Solo Review: Options TokenreportsAn Option Token gives the right to purchase the underlying token at a disconted price in the future.
Published onNovember 13, 2023#3 Solo Review + fuzzing: ReliquaryreportsAn innovative incentive distribution system inspired by MasterChef.
Published onOctober 11, 2023#2 Solo Review: Ethos V2reportsA multi-collateral stablecoin on Optimism.
Published onSeptember 15, 2023#1 Solo Review: swap featurereportsA gas effective single pool DEX on Polygon.